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Basic Concepts

Kos is just a tiny opinionated layer that wraps all the basic functionality we love from Vert.x behind a simple syntax. In this page we will enumerate the concepts that you need to learn before you use Kos.

Annotation Processors

Vert.x is rather powerful. It was designed as a toolkit, and can be used to design almost everything. Kos, on the other hand, generates the code that "glues" your application layer to Vert.x. This is process happens at compile time through the Annotation Processing Tool provided by the JDK.

Dependency Injection

Kos makes heavy usa of a tiny Dependency Injection (DI) library called Injector to discover dependencies, configurations and components - becoming the backbone of the whole system. Whenever the server is initialised, Kos will ask Injector for Web Routes, Validators, Event Listeners and other Vert.x components that might have been created during the compilation process.


You can check the Dependency Injection guide in case you want to a different DI library as a replacement for Injector.

Implementation Discovery

Most of the Kos components are trivial to be configured. In the process, you might be asked to "Expose" an implementation of a given interface, so Kos can find it during the bootstrap process. There are two annotations that can be used to make an interface implementation discoverable (or exposed): injector.Exposed and injector.ExposedAs.

  • ExposedAs is used to explicitly expose the current class as an implementation of a given interface (or superclass)
  • Exposed will expose the current to all interfaces it is directly implementing (ignoring superinterfaces or interfaces implemented by its superclass).

Automatically discovered classes

As the annotation process takes place, a few classes will be generated making the target class automatically exposed on the Class Path. Classes (or classes which methods are) annotated with the following Kos annotations will be automatically exposed:

  • @RestApi - automatically exposes Rest endpoints
  • @RestClient - automatically exposes Rest clients
  • @Listener - automatically listens for Vert.x's EventBus events
  • @Publisher - automatically publishes Vert.x's EventBus events
  • @Validates - turns a method into an object validator for Event listeners and Rest endpoints

The Launcher

Kos has a small bootstrap class called kos.core.Launcher that will automatically spin up the server. With a little help from the Implementation Loader, it will read the Vert.x configuration and deploy all verticles found on the class path. So, make sure you set this class as your Main-Class.

Kos Context

The kos.api.KosContext object contains all the internal components managed by Kos. Among many other features, it holds:

  • io.vertx.core.Vertx instance - used whenever interacting with Vert.x components
  • Log configuration
  • Serialization mechanisms (for both Rest API and Clients)
  • Implementation Loader (Dependency Injection) configuration
  • Default EventBus's MessageCodec for message serialization