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Getting Started


Don't want to follow the following steps by yourself? What about downloading a blueprint project that you can change according to your needs?

Kos is mostly written in Java and carefully designed to be easily integrated other JVM languages like Kotlin and Scala. To import Kos you should include the following libraries on your project.

dependencies {
    // Import the Bill of Materials

dependencyManagement {
  dependencies {
    // Import the Bill of Materials

dependencies {
  // Kos Dependencies
        <!-- Import the Bill of Materials -->


Now let's create a simple HelloWorld API.

class HelloWorldApi {

  fun sayHello() = "Hello World"
class HelloWorldApi {

  String sayHello() {
    return "Hello World";

Finally, we have to bundle all dependencies together and generate a runnable jar with them.

// You can use either Shadow or VertX plugin to generate a fat jar
// We've picked VertX in this example
plugins {
    id("io.vertx.vertx-plugin") version "1.2.0"

vertx {
    launcher = launcherClass
plugins {
  plugin("org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin:3.2.0") {
    executions {
      execution(id = "default-package", phase = "package", goals = listOf("shade"))
    configuration {
      "createDependencyReducedPom" to true
      "dependencyReducedPomLocation" to "\${}/pom-reduced.xml"
      "transformers" {
        "org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer" {}
        "org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer" {
          "manifestEntries" {
            "Main-Class" to launcherClass
          <org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer />

Voila! Our first Kos software is ready. Let's run it?

$ java -jar build/libs/my-kos-app-all.jar
$ java -jar target/my-kos-app.jar