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Implementation Loaders

Internally, Kos refers to Dependency Injection mechanisms as Implementation Loaders. They are responsible to perform two basic tasks the Kos needs all the time:

  1. Load an object implementing a given Interface - or extending a given class
  2. Load all objects implementing a given Interface - or extending a given class

Bear in mind that dependencies are lazy loaded, once a dependency for a given type is loaded you can't override it. This means that you can safely read any injected dependency using KosContext. However, the only place you should be able to deterministically modify these dependencies is within a Plugin scope.

Types of Implementation Loaders

The next topics will cover all DI mechanism provided out-of-box with Kos.


Injector is lightweight and zero-overhead, dependency injection library for JVM developers. It was carefully designed to make no-use of reflection by having all required meta-information computed at compile time. At runtime, it performs only the necessary tasks required to instantiate classes and have its dependencies injected. The result is a blistering fast Dependency Injection implementation that has around 7kb of footprint.

To provide an implementation of a given Kos service, all you have to do is implement a given interface (or extend a given class) and annotate with injector.Exposed annotation. Also, to make ordinary classes able to be managed by Injector you should annotate them with either injector.Singleton or injector.New.


For more details on how Injector works, please proceed to its documentation.

Below you can find a Custom Exception Handler implementation.

import injector.Exposed;
import kos.api.ExceptionHandler;
import kos.api.Response;

public class CustomExceptionHandler implements ExceptionHandler {

    public Response handle( RoutingContext request, Throwable cause ){
        if (cause instanceof IllegalArgumentException)
            return Response.BAD_REQUEST;
        return Response.of(cause.getMessage()).statusCode(500);

To use Injector as default Implementation Loader you need to import kos-injector module on your project.


Custom Dependency Injection Mechanism

As mentioned before, the Implementation Loader is a simple mechanism and doesn't enforce you to stick with a single implementation. To provide your own Implementation Loader you need to implement the kos.api.ImplementationLoader interface. Once you've implemented you need to register it as the default Implementation Loader by exposing it as Service Provider implementation. You can do so by creating a META-INF/services/kos.api.ImplementationLoader file containing the canonical name of your just created class.